We Are History returns this May with Podmasters
We Are History, the less-than-serious history podcast are teaming up with Podmasters – home of the critically-acclaimed Doomsday Watch, The Bunker and Oh God What Now?
Written and presented by the Angela Barnes (Live at the Apollo, The News Quiz) and the author and comedy writer John O’Farrell (Spitting Image, Things Can Only Get Better); We Are History already has a formidable following and over a million downloads.
Podmasters Lead Producer Anne-Marie Luff said; ‘I’m thrilled to welcome Angela and John into the Podmasters family. We Are History has all the intelligence, wit and warmth we revel in and the podcast is a natural fit for us. We can’t wait to bring it to an even wider audience.’
We Are History is already six series strong; in each episode Angela and John unravel and laugh at fascinating and down-right bizarre incidents from periods of history. The entire back catalogue will be available from Podmasters and include topics as broad as Spy Pigeons, the Bristol Bus Boycott of 1968, and 17th century Scottish witches.
John O’Farrell says; ‘We are really excited about teaming up with Podmasters to take We Are History to the next level. They bring everything to this production that Angela and I do not have; namely competence, professionalism and a decent wifi connection. I feel like our funny look at the past now has a great future…’
Angela adds: ‘We are beyond chuffed, it’s frankly a relief to be in the hands of people who know what they are doing. It should smarten us up a bit and bring this pair of history nerds right into the 21st century.’
We Are History will be relaunched with ten new episodes in May 2023 on all platforms and, while not quite as world-changing as the Black Death, it will be slightly funnier.